Pop It Up deals with the analysis of movement and dance through the lens of pop culture. Examining the way in which pop culture influences the representation and perception of our bodies focus is placed on the way we use the body in the social space. Through analysis of the various forms and manifestations of dance in a social space, the question is posed: whether what we experience as individual authentic expression while dancing with pop music might be a predetermined code, which is part of the massive production of identity.
CONCEPT AND CHOREOGRAPHY Dragana Bulut DRAMATURGY Maja Pelević Kostim SCENOGRAPHY Marina Sremac LIGHT DESIGN Tihomir Boroja i Dragana Bulut CHOREOGRAPHY ASISTANCE Olivera Kovačević Crnjanski SOUND Dušan Jovanović, Predrag Petruševski PRODUCTION Forum for New dance of Serbian National Theatre and Student Cultural centre of Novi Sad.